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Feiern Sie mit uns 15 Jahre Ergonomen und gewinnen Sie eines von 5 einstündigen UX-Audits! Erhalten Sie konkrete Optimierungstipps für Ihre Website oder App – und das geschenkt!

3. October 2024
Dr. Christopher H. Müller, Owner, Expert Consultant

Owner, Expert Consultant

Wir analysieren Ihre Website oder App aus Benutzersicht. Im 60-minütigen Feedback-Gespräch diskutieren wir mit Ihnen konkrete Lösungsansätze – abgestimmt auf Ihre persönlichen Business-Ziele. 

  • Benutzerfreundlichere und intuitivere Bedienung

  • Höhere Conversion Rate

  • Bessere Kundenbewertungen

  • Mehr Self-Service

  • Stärkere Kundenbindung

Zum Wettbewerb

Dr. Christopher H. Müller, Owner, Expert Consultant

Owner, Expert Consultant

Dr. Christopher H. Müller, founder and owner of Ergonomen Usability AG, earned his PhD from the Institute for Hygiene and Applied Physiology at ETH Zurich. With over 22 years of experience, he is an expert in usability and user experience. His strong sense of empathy allows him to quickly understand the needs and perspectives of his clients. With creativity and courage, he supports his clients in their digitalization projects and the optimization of products, services, and processes. He takes a practical approach, developing tailored solutions that can be effectively implemented. Dr. Christopher H. Müller is a columnist for Netzwoche. He also serves as a board member for the Zugang für alle Foundation, and is a member of two Swico advisory boards and co-president of the Regional Conference Nördlich Lägern.
